I am teaching English composition in class four. The other day I asked them to write a text about what they hope and hope not they will be doing in 10 years. “I will drive a car and my wife will be a doctor”, says one. “I will catch people that are drunk”, wishes another one. A few weeks ago we wrote a script for a movie about a Norwegian girl coming to their class. For preparations I showed them some pictures of Mathilde fishing, being with friends, swimming and eating. “I want to be a father of someone like Mathilde”, hopes a boy. I have told the class that we drink tea in Norway, but that we normally don’t put as much sugar as they do here. A girl seemingly feels sorry for the Norwegians lacking sugar and the people in Ghana lacking food. “I will bring sugar to Norway in an my aeroplane, and sukuma wiki to Ghana. And I think I will live in Ghana to make sure they eat”. Another one wants to take his parents to America. “When my parents want to go to America, they will reach very fast because I will be a pilot. That’s why we say it is the quickest way of transport”. They care a lot about their parents. “I will help my family by giving them food, clothes and buy for them a cow”. Many wishes are also connected with the Nissan mini buses, better known as matatus. “I hope I will be driving a Nissan, and when the car has problems I will call a mechanic, because he will be my friend.” Some wants so live in Norway because “in Norway we can see snow, winter, summer and moose”. And lucky is the girl that marries this boy: “I will not beat people. I will be a good man every day, every time, every year”.
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