Thursday, May 3, 2007

The end is near...

My holiday is nearly coming to an end. Can’t believe I will be in Sigowet on Monday, in only 4 days! So here is a summary of the last weeks.

To celebrate Pablo’s birthday (once again) we invited his workmates for some beers on the roof terrace. Who has ever celebrated their birthday first on a roof terrace in Bergen then some days after on a roof terrace in Sevilla?!! 20 young engineers on the terrace made it almost like a student party. There was even a guitar-playing engineer among them (or better: an engineer-working guitarist because he was incredibly professional). Imagine a warm evening in Sevilla, with cold beer, nice people, an illuminated Giralda (tower of the cathedral) in the background and live flamenco music! Pablo had told me (with stars in his eyes) about a super-table with four stools that you can convert into a suitcase. Apparently he had also told his colleagues about it because they brought him one for his birthday! Great for dinners on the roof and lunch in the park!

We’ve also been to Malaga to see Yvonne that came all the way from Switzerland for 24 hours! Good to see that she is still the good old crazy Yvi! We stayed in the wonderful house of the family Sax and did the things you need to do in that place: swim in cold water, eat Birger müsli, drink fresh orange juice, sing along to Kiss FM, laugh in the sofa bed in the living-room, do the ‘airplane’ and drink vino tinto!

We’ve had a picnick in the Maria-Lucia park (didn´t bring the super-table this time), enjoyed a lot of nice tapas and beer, been to the cinema, had dinner on the roof terrace and Pablo has of course been working a lot and I have struggeled with a chapter of my master thesis. So it hasn’t all been a time off.

We explored the coast of Huelva on Saturday. According to the map there was a long shore of sandy beach just nearby Huelva, so we went to look for it. They had built a wooden path all the way from the parking spot to the beach through the sandy hills of pine trees. There were no shops, no cafés, no sellers, no great offers, no special prices, only people having picknicks and sunbathing. What a great place!

May 1st we went to see Nani and Virginia in Cordoba. We had a stroll around the outside of the mosque (that the christians converted to a cathedral) and around a brand new amusement park for children that would be just as amusing for adults!


Anonymous said...

Åh va jag önskar att jag hade kunnat vara med er i Malaga... Det var supergrejt att snacka med dig i telefonen, vi måste ses till nyår! Fortsätt ha det kempebra. besos/
Ida y vuelta

Kits said...

Inga, I havent come to yur blog in so many days..but so nice to see what u have been upto...its amazing..Keiko mentioned that u and Mica r meeting so envious tht this happens. Its been ages since I saw u long yrs...and we have been thru so much..although still believe tht we r the coolest chicks in the world :D

Kits said...

Happpy birthday darling!!

Anonymous said...

så kjekt å lesa ingeborg! om eg ikkje tar heilt feil har du bursdag i desse dagar... har ikkje heilt kalenderen her, men tippe i dag?! gratulera så masse med dagen!
håpe du har det bra! klemmm anne grete