Monday, June 4, 2007


We have done some nice things lately in school. First of all; we have finished the movies that class four and five have been working on. They wrote a script about a Norwegian girl (Mathilde) coming to their classes, we recorded it and some weeks ago we had the premiere at school with special invited guests (other classes and teachers). It was a great success. If either the National Standard or the Nation (newspapers) had been there for the show, I’m sure they would have given it a good review! The funniest thing is that the pupils quote the characters in the movie: "Mathilde, will you be my friend" is a common saying in the school nowadays!

Class four were very happy to get letters from their friends in class four in Gjerde skule in Norway. They required replying immediately so they could tell about the movie. I have promised to show their movie in Samnanger when I return In October.

In class six we are learning about agriculture, mining and fishing. One day we did a role-play on an imaginary village called Pi. An investor from Nairobi (Vincent on the picture)wanted to start copper-mining in the village and the farmers had gathered against him. A group of environmentalists supported the farmers, while the investor got support from the unemployeds, the schools and the hospital in the village for promising jobs, school-buildings and hospital-equipment. I must say I was very impressed by the pupils. They had prepared a lot of arguments, the chief had set up a list of questions for each group and they defeated their opinions in a very convincing way. The last five minutes the secretary summed up all the reasonings. I woulden’t believe the pupils were 12 years old if I didn’t already know it!
In class seven we keep on playing canonball once a week. The soft-ball Mari’s father brought is still being used every day!

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