Sunday, June 17, 2007

Jorunn and Kjell Magne visiting

Who would imagine that Mari, Kjell Magne and I would meet in Kenya 10 years after highschool? Mari’s sister Jorunn made sure we did as she brought her boyfriend to Sigowet. Great to have some young people visiting! It caused a lot of laughter when we introduced them as boyfriend and girlfriend at Resam and Tonongoi. It is not so common to introduce any ‘friend’ before engagement. They came with me to creative arts and P.E. where we sew table-cloths and played canon-ball. Unfortunately Kjell Magne got sick and missed the walk to Chebulo and a board-game session, but he got to know the ‘mosquito-man’ that came to spray our house with insecticides and he had just as much stories to tell as we had in the evening. We know a lot about the ‘mosquito-man ‘s family, where he lives, what he’s doing for a living. No doubt it takes more than high fever, a wicked stomach and a headache to stop Kjell Magne from making fun and laugh! They left for Nakuru and Naivasha before heading home to Norway.

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