We finished the mid-term exams just before the parents’ day so that the parents get to know the improvements or declining of their children. They have exams every one and a half month in six subjects: English, Swahili, maths, science, social studies and Christianity. The test papers are bought ready-made from a publisher and they are all multiple choice except compositions in English and Swahili. This means that they are national and not necessarily in accordance to what has been taught in class, it also means that they are easy for the teacher to mark and easy to arrange the pupils from number one to the last one in every class. This was done last Friday in the field. All the pupelssat on the grass while the class teachers, starting from class one, released the results starting from number one in class. One after the other the pupils lined up according to their number. Number one was of course very proud as she or he passed the crowd to start the line.

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