We spent four days in Sigowet. Mamma and Steinar brought a lot of gifts for the schools from friends and family at home. Class five and four are now sewing a their own tablecloth with cross-stiches (korssting), the pupils have tennis rackets and balls for the breakes and the P.E., they also brought elastics and skipping ropes and maps for the classrooms. Thank you very much!
Both the pupils and the teachers were wondering why my mother was Chinese and I was not. She gets really thin eyes when she smiles so they thought

We had ugali and sukuma wiki in our neighbours house one evening, and the visitors spent the days walking around and talking to people. One day they were also invited to join the special

On the national day, the 17th of May we had a 17th-of-May-breakfast with green braches and Norwegian flags on the table before we headed for Nakuru. The roads are terrible so even if it seems a short drive on the map it takes hours and we had a lot of time to remember the lyrics of good old national-romantic songs in Norwegian.
Mamma had done really good preparations before coming to Kenya. Luckily she dislike driving just as much as I do so she came up with the great suggestion of going to Naivasha National Park where you can cycle and walk among the anilmals. What a fantastic place. With bikes and on foot we did of course not see as much animals as in Nakuru, but it felt like we were closer to them and that we were more part of their world. We walked among

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